Approved Apps

Approved & Recommended Application List

NOTICE: This Approved Apps list will no longer be updated as of May 1, 2024.  All approved applications will be found in Clever via the Teacher Library

Prairie Spirit SD - Application List

*This list is fluid, please continue to refer back to it for additional resources as they are vetted.

Introducing A New Application

Image of Prairie Spirit School Division's logo and Application Checklist text

Prairie Spirit SD encourages our staff to discover new solutions to enhance learning in our classrooms. Prior to using any app, extension, or add-on, there are a few things that need to be considered before introducing it to your colleagues or students.

Reference the Application Checklist PDF to ensure that the application you're wanting to use meets the requirements listed and then fill out the Appliation Request Form below to have Prairie Spirit SD Admin work towards introducing the application safely and meaningfully into your classroom.


The applications listed above have been vetted based on the following criteria for use in Education in the Province of Manitoba.

- MB Curriculum Alignment

- Application Privacy Policy & Terms & Services

- Age Restrictions for use in Education

- Security & Safety for use in Education

- Not aligned with currently approved hardware in PSSD.



If checked, Prairie Spirit SD has approved this resource for use by either procuring a divisional or school based license or by using the free version of the resource.

Free Version Approved

If checked, the free version of this resource has met the aforementioned criteria for use in Prairie Spirit SD

MB Curriculum

If checked, the resource is aligned with Manitoba Curriculum.

Google SSO

If checked, this resource has the option to log in with your assigned Prairie Spirit SD Google Workplace Account.

Divisional Subscription

If checked, this resource has been procured by Prairie Spirit SD, or we have the option to add into an existing agreement.

School Based Subscription

If checked, this resource is available by either a school based license or by a teacher based license.  Please inquire with your Principal to find out more.