Prairie Spirit Pillars

Click here for Prairie Spirit literacy information
Click here for Prairie Spirit numeracy information
Click here for Prairie Spirit engagement information
Click here for Prairie Spirit data and research information
Click here for Prairie Spirit literacy francais information
Click here for Prairie Spirit indigenous knowledge information

Role Based Resources

Click here for the Prairie Spirit Principals landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Administrative Assistants landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Teachers landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Educational Assistants landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Student Services landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Librarians landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Bussing landing page
Click here for the Prairie Spirit Principals Custodians page

General Staff Resources

Prairie Spirit School Division Getting Started

New to Prairie Spirit?

If you are new to Prairie Spirit, please click the link below and follow the steps to ensure you get all services set up for your new account so you can leverage everything we have to offer!!  You can then reference your role section above to gain access to payroll, SIS & data tools :)

Welcome to Prairie Spirit!!

Prairie Spirit School Division Staff Wellness

Staff Wellness

During these difficult times, your mental health is a priority. Whether you’re looking for up-to-date credible information to ease your mind, a free workshop to learn about resiliency, or quick daily coping tips, it’s here. This site provides a diverse collection of quick and easy resources to support your mental health.  

Provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association - Manitoba & Winnipeg

Prairie Spirit School Division Partner Programs

Partner Programs

Through some of our partnerships in technology, we have been able to establish some discounts for staff currently employed with Prairie Spirit SD.  Using your account and providing proof of employment opens up access to discounts for equipment for personal use.  This includes access to deals with Lenovo & Bell Mobility and an exlusive offer from Manitoba Teachers Society & Rogers.

Please note the equipment is not intended for in-school use and Prairie Spirit SD is not responsible for support after procuring any equipment using the information below